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Anne Earls Boylan: Series 02 - Episode 06

Contemporary Jeweller and Ulster University lecturer Anne Earls Boylan, joins us for episode six of ten from our second series.

A clip of this episode is available above in the video.

Tanya Ireland Limited Making Conversations Podcast Episode

This second series of our podcast is funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as part of their Artist Emergency Programme.

Anne shares her making journey to contemporary jewellery from rural Armagh to London where she studied at the Royal College of Art.

Her passion within her making practice lies in the importance of curiosity, as well as ethics informing her work.

The body is also an influence to Anne in her practice, with experimenting with what wearing work might look like; rather than it just being a ring or a brooch, she engages with construction to find the magic in the objects function.

Anne is also a lecturer at Ulster University, Belfast in the applied art Jewellery & SIlversmithing department.

Anne is also a founder of the ACJSNI - who showcase and support the Jewellery & Silversmithing community living and working in Northern Ireland.



Anne is a contemporary Jeweller and Educator working across media and boundaries to explore the role that research plays within the teaching of creativity, manufacture and cultural representations.  

Language and jewellery are explored through traditional and contemporary formats in her teaching. Students are encouraged to engage with international views and consider the impact of ‘how’ and ‘what’ they make in both the local and global context.

By taking work in new directions they create new possibilities and relevant conversations about the role of jewellery as a serious practice.

About text kindly shared from

Series two of Making Conversations Podcast has been funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as part of their Artist Emergency Programme. Episodes are released fortnightly on Thursdays from 18 June 2020.


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